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Online review

A review is an assessment of a publication, service, product, or business such as a movie, musical composition, video game, book, musical composition. Reviews as well include a part of the hardware such as a home appliance, car, computer, a performance or an event such as a live play, music concert, a dance or a musical theater show. In addition to an important evaluation, the author of the review may give the work a rating to signify its relative worth. More loosely, an author may review trends, current events, or items in the news. A collection of reviews may itself be referred to as a review. 

Normally, when researchers start writing an article, they spend the majority time on the methods, end results, and debate sections. Little consideration goes into the article’s title and summary, whereas keywords get even less important attention, frequently being typed out immediately into the submission system of a journal. Paradoxically, these three parts the title, summary, and keywords may well hold the key to the success of the publication.

The title, summary, and keywords play a key role in the communication of research. Nearly all papers may not at all be read or even found by concerned readers without these elements. Search engines, Journals, and indexing and summarizing services categorize papers making use of keywords. Thus, a precise list of keywords will make sure accurate indexing and assist the showcase your research to interested groups. This in turn will enhance the likelihood of your paper being quoted.

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Most databases, electronic search engines, or journal websites will make use of the keywords found in your title and summary, and your list of keywords to make a decision whether and when to publish your paper to interested readers. Therefore, these three elements such as title, summary and keywords help the dissemination of your research; exclusive of them, readers would be unable to find or quote your paper.

The title and summary are frequently the only parts of a paper that are liberally available online. You can choose an appropriate keyword for your article to be published. Hence, once readers come across your paper, they will interpret through the title, summary and keyword to decide whether or not to buy the complete copy of your paper and continue reading.

The summary is the first section of your paper that periodical editors and reviewers read. As busy magazine editors may use the summary to make a decision whether to send a paper for peer assessment or reject it completely, reviewers will form their primary impression about your paper on reading it.

Journal websites and search engines will use the keywords in your title to categorize and display your article to concerned readers, while readers will make use of your title as the primary step to determining whether or not to read your article. 

It is better to type your keywords into a search engine and make sure if the results show up match the theme of your paper before you present your article. This will assist you to decide whether your keywords are suitable for the theme of your paper

As it may be challenging to write efficient titles and summaries and to select suitable keywords, there is no doubt that it is certainly worth spending additional time to get these elements right. In any case, these three smallest elements of your paper have the possibility to considerably impact your odds of getting circulated, interpret, and cited.